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Oct. 21, 2023

Travel Philosophy: To Plan or Not to Plan?

Travel Philosophy: To Plan or Not to Plan?

In this episode of "Message in the Middle" host Marianne embarks on a solo episode   exploring a dilemma that many of us face when it comes to vacation planning: Should we meticulously plan every detail or embrace spontaneity? Marianne reflects on her own experience as a dedicated planner and how it has shaped her approach to trips over the years.

The episode's central theme revolves around the age-old question, "To plan or not to plan?" Marianne acknowledges that, for many, the answer seems straightforward, as most individuals naturally gravitate towards either extreme planning or spontaneous travel. She draws a contrast between her approach, which has traditionally been thorough and detail-oriented, and her husband's more carefree, "winging it" style.

As a meticulous planner, Marianne discusses the benefits of this approach, including well-organized trips and great experiences. However, she also acknowledges the downsides, such as the immense time and energy dedicated to planning and the constant mental chatter that accompanies her anticipation of trips.

The episode explores the mental and emotional burdens that come with extensive planning and the impact it has on one's overall enjoyment of a vacation. Marianne mentions how her changing priorities and commitment to self-care and leisure have led her to reevaluate her approach to vacation planning.

With two upcoming trips on the horizon, a quick road trip and an extended vacation for a wedding, Marianne discusses the decisions she faced. Should she stick to her tried-and-true planning method, or should she embrace a more spontaneous approach? She delves into the pros and cons of each method, highlighting the importance of understanding one's travel personality and goals.

After deep self-reflection and considering both sides, Marianne decides to seek a balance between planning and spontaneity. She vows to create a high-level plan, book major components of the trip, and leave room for organic experiences. She is hopeful that this newfound approach will allow her to enjoy the journey, be more present, and dedicate more time to activities she values outside of trip planning.

Marianne concludes by highlighting how this shift in her vacation planning philosophy reflects broader mindset work and the potential for growth and change in various aspects of life. She admits that the outcome remains uncertain but is confident that gifting herself more time before her trips will lead to a successful and fulfilling experience.

This episode offers listeners a thought-provoking perspective on finding balance in vacation planning and encourages them to consider their own travel style and mindset. It reminds us that adapting our approach in one area of life can have a positive impact in others, ultimately leading to personal growth and more enjoyable experiences.

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