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Jan. 27, 2024

Setting the Tone for 2024: Choosing Your Word of the Year, a Solo Episode with Marianne

Setting the Tone for 2024: Choosing Your Word of the Year, a Solo Episode with Marianne

In this episode of Message in the Middle, host Marianne takes the stage solo to discuss the importance of setting intentions for the new year and choosing a "Word of the Year".   Drawing on recent interactions with listeners and reflections on her own practices, Marianne shares insights and tips for this empowering process.

Setting Intentions:
Marianne begins by reflecting on the recent Vision Board session and encourages listeners to set intentions for the year ahead. Whether through a vision board or journaling, she emphasizes the value of clarifying focus areas without worrying about the specifics of execution.

Evolving Priorities:
Addressing a common question about recurring themes on vision boards, Marianne explains how her focus areas evolve each year. While certain categories remain consistent, such as family and health, specific goals may vary. She illustrates this with personal examples like incorporating strength training into her health routine.

Choosing Your Word of the Year:
Marianne emphasizes that there's no right or wrong approach to creating a vision board or selecting a Word of the Year and she shares a framework for choosing your word and emphasizing personal connection and positivity.

Utilizing Your Word:
Once a Word of the Year is chosen, Marianne discusses its practical applications. From goal-setting to decision-making, journaling to creative expression, she explores how integrating the chosen word into daily life enhances self-awareness and mindfulness.

Marianne's Word:
Finally, Marianne shares her own Word of the Year for 2024: "Dream" or "Dare to Dream".  She reflects on reclaiming the act of dreaming, stepping out of her comfort zone, and embracing possibilities. 

As the episode draws to a close, Marianne encourages listeners to embark on their own journey of intention-setting and word selection. With a reminder that there's no one-size-fits-all approach, she emphasizes the importance of tuning into personal desires and priorities.  

Connect with Marianne:

Website: Message In The Middle with Marianne
Message In the Middle Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/422430469323847/
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